Newly Elected Constables (NEC)

Click Here to Register

Topics Covered:

  • What is your role as a Constable?
  • Office Management
  • Building & Developing Relationships
  • Basic Courtroom Security
  • Becoming the Best Leader

Who Should Attend:

  • Newly elected Constable
  • Newly appointed Constables
  • Upper management in the Constable's Office (fee $295)
  • Sheriffs or deputies fulfilling some of the duties of the Constable's Office (fee $295)

Course Hours:

Participants receive 40 hours of TCOLE (3742) credit.

Program Links:

[ Program Page ]


Mar 04 - 08, 2019

Class begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday; Friday class begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at noon. The program involves working lunches (lunch is provided).

Course Cost:

offered at $ for Elected/Appointed Constables; $295 per person for all other Law Enforcement personnel

Location Information:

Bill Blackwood
Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas
Criminal Justice Center
Sam Houston State University
1600 Bobby K. Marks Blvd.
Huntsville, Texas 77341-2417
Phone: 800-477-9248
Fax: 936-294-3926

Hotel Information: *

Holiday Inn Suites and Express
148 Interstate 45 South
Hunstville, TX 77340

* Unless otherwise noted, hotel arrangements are the responsibility of the participant.

The Newly Elected Constables program is provided to all elected or appointed Constables within the first two years of taking office to promote a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of these unique law enforcement agencies. The state-mandated program presents an overview of policies and procedures for civil processing, warrant execution, bailiff services, patrol, investigation, and security and offers valuable leadership, management and networking opportunities to aid in operating an effective agency.

For more information, contact:

TBD , Coordinator - Constables
Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas
George J. Beto Criminal Justice Building
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341-2417
Fax: (936) 294-3926
Phone: 800-477-9248

Cancellation Policy:

If your plans change and you need to cancel, please contact us immediately to avoid cancellation or “no show” fees. The department in which you registered under will be billed a $325 fee for failure to cancel 14 days prior to the course start date. It is the responsibility of the participant to cancel reservations made with the host hotel.

*** Please refer to your email confirmation for more detailed information regarding the changes for this training cycle.